Volume I Article XXIX "CAT Periodization Program"
You've competed and trained hard for awhile now. You've made good
gains and
even had some success, now what? Is it time for a change? Is it time
for a
slight variation in training? This week let's look at the CAT
program. Check it out, see if it can work for you. We'll review this
from my current training and see if it can be applied to yours.
I recently read about this program while surfing around the net. I
found it at http://www.angelfire.com/pe/txpls/
and in speaking to Tom McCullough that it is available in detail at www.drsquat.com . CAT stands for
"compensatory acceleration training." Now, I myself, can't begin to
tell you what that means, so I've asked Tom McCullough to helps us
the term and some of the methods. I got this much from Dr Squat.
"Periodization is a system of breaking down your year's training into
short periods of time, each having discreet objectives. So, in hearing
that, I
thought I would approach Tom to
help, since he and Fred Hatfield are much smarter then I am. To preface
questions, I've been using the protocol of CAT for Bench press, squat
deadlift on my heavy days. I've gone from squatting twice a week to
once a
week. Occasionally, I'll do speed squats prior to deadlifts. We use the
speed bench day on what would be our light day for bench press. This has
worked well for us. I can't tell you if it's because of the technique,
because we needed to do explosive work so badly. But, don't misread. I
both techniques and principles have merit. Also, we deadlift once a
week now.
Not twice a week anymore and this seems to aid in our ability to
recuperate a
lot better.
Tom, tell us a little about yourself.
I work as a full-time physical education instructor, football coach,
and strength and conditioning coach for the
I have been involved in and competed in the sport of powerlifting since
Since then I have competed in the 198, 220, 242, 275, and 308 pound
divisions and is a seven times WPA American and World record holder as
well as
a five time WABDL USA National and World record holder. I
hold the Masters (40-45) WPA World deadlift record in the 308 pound
division at 730 pounds, the Masters (40-45) World record in the total,
and the
Masters (40-45) WABDL USA National and World deadlift record in
the 308
pound weight division at 750 pounds, as well as holding several state
and national titles and records, including a masters Texas record in
the APF
for the deadlift. I am also ranked in Powerlifting USA's Masters
Top 20
as 3rd best SHW deadlifter in the
Can you give us a brief overview of CAT.
As we all know, when maximal weights are lifted the largest number of
units are activated. Thus, using the maximal effort method (max
is thought to be best for training the muscles and CNS due to the great
place on them. In the past most thought that heavy resistance
with slow
velocities were best for developing strength. Most research now
that moving weights at high-velocities are even better for developing
Compensatory acceleration training or CAT is nothing more than
training. CAT is best done in the 55% - 82.5% range where
amount of power generated is at it's greatest. In order to
perform CAT
you must eccentrically lower the weight in a normal controlled
Once you hit the bottom of the lift, very quickly change directions and
explosively move
the weight upwards as rapidly as possible.
Since most periodized protocols utilize the 55% - 82.5% ranges, it
possible to
use CAT with any periodized protocol.
Why a 16 week cycle?
There is certainly nothing magic about 16 weeks. Periodized
programs can
be any amount of time you wish. However, it is probably best if
you stick
with increases of less than 5% of your max (1 RM) per week. For most,
length of the cycle may depend greatly on how long you have to get
ready for
your next meet. So don't be afraid to try different length cycles just
to see
what works best for you.
Why start at a lower percentage then say other traditional percentage
based programs?
Simple, optimal ranges for developing power have been shown to be in
the 55% -
82.5% of 1RM ranges. So why not start out with 55% of 1RM and
take full
advantage of it. Does this mean you have to start off at
55%? Of
course not. You can start off even higher if you like. But
remember, the more time you spend developing power in the optimal
ranges, the
better chance you have of it transferring to some real strength
gains. I
would plan on spending at least 80% of your training time in 55% -
ranges. The rest of the time will be spent doing heavy weights.
What is the advantage of using singles in the deadlift as opposed to
I believe that it is pretty important in training for competition that
train as closely as you can to how you compete. This is more
referred to as the Principle of Specificity. In other words, if you are
training to perform reps, them by all means train reps. In
since we are performing one heavy single, why is it not best to train
singles. By doing several sets of singles, we get a chance to
perform our
technique under meet conditions many time. Often times, practice
However, if your prefer not to use singles I would suggest that you use
PRILEPHIN'S TABLE to plan you periodized training cycle.
Reps/Set Optimal
Total Range
55 -
3 -
18 - 30
70 -
3 -
12 - 24
80 -
2 -
10 - 20
1 -
4 - 10
Prilephin determined that power may also be best developed when you
within the recommended set and rep schemes suggested in his table. For
when you are training within the 55% - 65% ranges you should do 3 - 6
sets of 3
- 6 reps. Any combination of the two will do as long as the total
(reps) done adds up to 24. So as you can see there are any number
of way
to manipulate your training to get the same effect.
When do you incorporate using gear in training?
Again, it's back to the old Principle of Specificity. Train like
compete! If you are going to compete using equipment, the use equipment
in your
training. Since equipment can change your lifting technique
it makes no sense to just throw it on a week or two before you
In order to learn how to take advantage of all that modern equipment
has to
you need to spend a good deal of time training in it.
Why only 15 weeks of deadlifting and not 16?
Simple, It takes the back a good deal longer to recover than the legs
chest. So most powerlifters have found that if they pull their
last heavy
deadlift two week out of a meet, they are recovered well enough to pull
best on meet day. There for, your deadlift cycle will be one week
than your squat and bench cycle.
Would you consider this a progressive overload program?
YES. The resistance (weights) are progressively getting heavier,
the volume (reps) is getting smaller. Progressive over load is
periodization. Periodization is nothing more than manipulating the
volume and
intensity over a period of time.
What is the advantage to it as opposed to some of the other programs?
Periodization has been used for many years. It has been shown by
research study after another to be the most effective method to
What about assistance for each lift?
I strongly believe this is very individual. Assistance movements
are used
to strengthen the weak links on you core movement. So if you have
locking out a deadlift, then you need to do assistance work on the
muscles used
to lock out the deadlift. However, the Principle of Specificity
followed as closely as possible. In other words, try to use
movements that stick as closely to to the movement of the squat, bench
deadlift as possible. Research has shown that strength gained in
isolation or single joint movements have very little transfer to
compound or
multi-joint movements. So the strength that you gain doing knee
extensions will have very little effect in gaining strength in the
squat or
Does this mean that isolation movements and movements that don't
move in the
same plane as you core lifts are off limits in powerlifting training?
Absolutely not. Isolation movements can be use very effectively
at the
beginning of a cycle or during off-season to strengthen synergistic
muscle used
in supporting the weight. Thus helping to prevent injuries later
What kind of progress have you made using this program?
Very good progress. Is it magic? NO! How much strength you
depends on how hard you work. I can show you the way, but in the
end, you
still have to do the work. If you don't learn to push the weight as
as possible, CAT will not work. If you are afraid to push
yourself in the
gym nothing will work. It's all up to you.
Thanks for answering the questions Tom and taking time out of your busy
schedule to do so. As you folks can see, the biggest issue with all
programs and
technique-is simply to get in the gym and get it on. Being consistent.
having some type of guideline and a method behind it is also very key
and as
important as being in the gym training. You have to have a plan.
Now this article doesn't mean that I endorse any one program. I think
would be foolish. But, this has been working for me. You can find
that will help you in just about any type of method and program. Again,
a plan and some thought behind what you are doing is part of the
To review what we've been using for training is as follows:
Monday we do bench press using the CAT protocol, then we do two
exercises for
triceps. We go light on these exercises on heavy day and then heavy on
speed day. Seems to be helping us so far. We will switch our main
exercise for
triceps every 2-3 weeks. Mainly, for elbow and wrist soreness. This
also seems
to somewhat be a similar protocol of the Westside method.
After triceps we do very light shoulders. We will do 3 sets for each
head on
the shoulders without using any pressing movements to save our
shoulders. We
put alot of pressure on them from benching. After shoulders we will do
sets of light lats and then 5 sets of 20 reps for abs. This workout
last about
an hour and a half.
Tuesday we squat. Again, we use the CAT protocol. For assistance, we
will do
3x5 on good mornings using various bars and that's about it. We do abs
as we
did above. Takes about 2 hours depending on gear being used.
Wednesday is OL practice and biceps for powersports.
Thursday we do speed work for bench press following the Westside
However, we use a close grip, medium grip and competition grip as our 3
for you westsiders out there. After speed bench, we do heavy triceps
using the same
movements as Monday, only heavier. We do the same for shoulders. The
difference has been for the medial head. On light day, we do
raises. On the heavy day, we've gone to using the side raise machine.
It just
seems to work. After shoulders, we do heavy pull downs and abs. Takes
about an
hour and a half.
Friday we do deadlift, again following the CAT protocol. We will do
lockouts every 3rd week. On those days, we don't use any other
assistance. On
the weeks not using lockouts, we use good mornings, hypers or stiff
legs, doing
3 sets of 5. We also do shrugs with the same set/rep scheme. We do the
in several forms, but always do a two second static hold at the top
of the movement. It really helps when we pull heavy weights and has
added mass
to our upper backs. We finish off with abs. Takes about 1-1.5 hours
on gear.
Some Saturdays we will do very light OL practice and very light bicep
Again, I'd like to thank Tom for taking time out to help us understand
CAT and
periodization. Try it and see how it works for you. So far, I've
responded very
well. I encourage you to try it as well. I still do speed work for
bench, but
have cut it out for squat. I try to do all my sets explosively. I will,
time to time, use speed squats before I deadlift. But I do that
It was tough on my knees with the OL practice I'm doing. So, try it,
see if it
can work for you or if you can take
something from it that can push your training forward. Good luck.
As always-lift heavy, train smart & eat more pizza.