Years Later: Is A
Calorie Really A Calorie
George A. Bray, MD; Steven R. Smith, MD; Lilian de
Jonge, PhD; Hui Xie, PhD; Jennifer Rood, PhD; Corby K. Martin,
PhD; Marlene Most, PhD; Courtney Brock, MS, RD; Susan Mancuso,
BSN, RN; Leanne M. Redman, PhD. Effect of Dietary Protein
Content on Weight Gain, Energy Expenditure, and Body
Composition During Overeating. JAMA.
Objective To evaluate the effects of overconsumption of
low, normal, and high protein diets on weight gain, energy
expenditure, and body composition.
Design, Setting, and Participants A single-blind,
randomized controlled trial of 25 US healthy, weight-stable
male and female volunteers, aged 18 to 35 years with a body
mass index between 19 and 30. The first participant was
admitted to the inpatient metabolic unit in June 2005 and the
last in October 2007.
Intervention After consuming a weight-stabilizing diet
for 13 to 25 days, participants were randomized to diets
containing 5% of energy from protein (low protein), 15%
(normal protein), or 25% (high protein), which they were
overfed during the last 8 weeks of their 10- to 12-week stay
in the inpatient metabolic unit. Compared with energy intake
during the weight stabilization period, the protein diets
provided approximately 40% more energy intake, which
corresponds to 954 kcal/d (95% CI, 884-1022 kcal/d).
Main Outcome Measures Body composition was measured by
dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry biweekly, resting energy
expenditure was measured weekly by ventilated hood, and total
energy expenditure by doubly labeled water prior to the
overeating and weight stabilization periods and at weeks 7 to
Results Overeating produced significantly less weight
gain in the low protein diet group (3.16 kg; 95% CI, 1.88-4.44
kg) compared with the normal protein diet group (6.05 kg; 95%
CI, 4.84-7.26 kg) or the high protein diet group (6.51 kg; 95%
CI, 5.23-7.79 kg) (P = .002). Body fat increased similarly in
all 3 protein diet groups and represented 50% to more than 90%
of the excess stored calories. Resting energy expenditure,
total energy expenditure, and body protein did not increase
during overfeeding with the low protein diet. In contrast,
resting energy expenditure (normal protein diet: 160 kcal/d
[95% CI, 102-218 kcal/d]; high protein diet: 227 kcal/d [95%
CI, 165-289 kcal/d]) and body protein (lean body mass) (normal
protein diet: 2.87 kg [95% CI, 2.11-3.62 kg]; high protein
diet: 3.18 kg [95% CI, 2.37-3.98 kg]) increased significantly
with the normal and high protein diets.
Conclusions Among persons living in a controlled
setting, calories alone account for the increase in fat;
protein affected energy expenditure and storage of lean body
mass, but not body fat storage.
Figure 1-4. Changes in Body Weight, Body Fat, and Lean Body
Mass During 8 Weeks of Overeating.
The blue horizontal lines indicate individual participants. The
error bars in the change from baseline graphs indicate 95%
confidence intervals. The amount of energy that the subjects in the
low protein diet group burned remained stable; in the other two
groups the amount rose.
Figure 5. Changes in Resting Energy Expenditure During 8
Weeks of Overeating.
The blue horizontal lines indicate individual participants. The
error bars in the change from baseline graph indicate 95% confidence
Figure 6. Relationship of Energy Intake and Protein Intake
With Change in Body Fat and Change in Lean Body Mass
A higher protein intake resulted in more lean body mass build up,
and did not correlate with the growth in fat mass.
In this study 25 healthy, 16 weight-stable males and 9 females aged
18 to 35 years, with a BMI between 19 and 30, were recruited.
Researchers wanted to find out if overeating a low or high protein
diet would produce less weight gain than overeating a normal protein
diet. All the food was provided and participants resided in a
metabolic unit for 10 to 12 weeks with no prescribed or regular
exercise program. Alcohol and caffeine were prohibited throughout
the study and smokers were excluded.
The researchers divided the subjects into three groups. The low
protein diet group were given The low protein diet had 6% of energy
from protein, 52% from fat, and 42% from carbohydrates. The normal
protein diet group got 15% of energy from protein, 44% from fat, and
41% from carbohydrates. The high protein group got 26% of energy
from protein, 33% from fat, and 41% from carbohydrates.
The researchers determined how many calories a day we needed for
each individual to keep their weight stable. After the subjects
reached weight stability they were given 954 calories a day more
than they burned for eight weeks.
At the end of the 8 weeks it first appeared that the low protein
group had done best. This group had 'only' put on 3.6 kg. The normal
protein diet subjects had put on 6.1 kg and the high protein diet
subjects had put on 6.5 kg. The subjects in the low-protein diet
group had lost 0.7 kg of body weight; the subjects in the normal
protein diet group had gained 3.2 kg and the subjects in the high
protein diet group had gained 4.0 kg. Once researchers looked in to
body composition they found the as protein increased, lean body mass
also increased as part of the weight gain. Explaining the weight
The key finding of this study is that calories are more important
than protein while consuming excess amounts of energy with respect
to increases in body fat. Calories alone, however, contributed to
the increase in body fat. In contrast, protein contributed to the
changes in energy expenditure and lean body mass, but not to the
increase in body fat.
Amazingly enough, the subjects in this study did no exercise. Had
they been participating in weight training, the results no doubt
would have been even better.